Biting Bugs on Roatan


Don’t let them Bug you

Biting bugs give Roatan beaches a bad rap.  But with a little foreknowledge and preparation, they don’t need to ruin your vacation.  The most common pests found on the island beaches, are locally called “jejenes”. In Scotland they are called biting midges, in the USA, no-see-ums or sand flies, but they are the same pest. These biting bugs behave like very small mosquitos, but have two characteristics that make them distinctively more unpleasant, 1. they are stealthy and 2.  they can cause a significant allergic reaction in some people.

Here are a few tips to keep these bugs in check:

  1. The bugs can bite without your Noticing; therefore you can get dozens of bites before you realize it. Some people don’t notice the bites, until they begin to mount an allergic response- sometimes hours later. Typically, the reaction to “Jejenes”, lasts longer than mosquito bites.
  2. biting bugs are most Active at dawn and dusk.
  3. Bug spray works
  4. A constant Breeze is the best deterrent.
  5. Pay Attention, stay away from areas that shelter bugs from the breeze, like bushes and tall grass. When you notice a bite, it is better to remove yourself, choosing another activity if you can.
  6. Those who mount a strong Allergic response to bites in general, may want to take antihistamines before being exposed. If you are going into a potentially buggy area, take an antihistamine like Claritin, this should minimize the allergic response if you do get bitten.
  7. L’Alizé’s Keyhole and home are almost always breezy, and bugs are not a significant issue when the winds are blowing.  But when the breeze dies down, or you go to a still beach or restaurant, remember NABBAL, or points 1-6 or just bring some bug spray.

sand fleas

Biting Bugs, Midges, No See-Ums, Sand Flies or Jejenes
(A bug by any name is still not sweet.)

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