September is Honduran Independence Month. The culmination of Independence celebration is September 15th.
Ever wonder how Honduras gained her independence and from whom? The following is a brief overview of what Hondurans celebrate on the 15th of September. It is probably hard to retain exactly how Honduras became independent because it was largely a matter of treaties signed by a number of obscure leaders in the early 1800s. Most likely, for the average Honduran in 1821, things didn’t change all that much after they gained independence first from Spain and then from Mexico.
Honduras, a Vice Royalty of Spain
Before 1821 most of “Central America “ ( i.e. present day Mexico, Honduras, Guatemala, Nicaragua, & Costa Rica, along with Texas, Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado, Utah, and California) was a Vice Royalty of Spain called New Spain, governed by a Viceroy Headquartered in Mexico City. One of the events that spurred on independence from Spain was a governance plan put forth by Augustin de Iturbe, an aristocratic Mexican born “creole”, general, & politician. in this treaty Iturbe lays out a constitutional Monarchy for New Spain. Though Iturbe does not technically declare independence from Spain at this time, in essence the treaty paves the way for a new independent government. The treaty craftily suggests King Ferdinand VII rule this new Mexican empire, the caveat being that the King of Spain has to come to Mexico to live.
When the last Viceroy appointed by Spain arrives in Veracruz Mexico in 1821, he realizes Spain has lost control of its colonies. Calling Augustin de Iturbide, they sign the Treaty of Córdoba, August 24, 1821 in Córdoba, Veracruz, Mexico, recognizing the independence of the Mexican Empire.
The Central American Colonies follow suite with representatives of the more influential Colonies signing their respective declarations of independence on 15 September, 1821, The “Quince de Septiembre” . Two weeks after the fact, on the 28th of September Honduras finally learns of her independence, when a messenger arrives in Comayagua, the colonial capital of Honduras. Though Hondurans did not learn about their independence on the day of the signing of the Treaty of Cordoba, they enthusiastically celebrate their Independence on Sept 15th. This Year marks their 196th year of celebration.
Independence Day Celebrations in Honduras
Every city and village in Honduras celebrates their Independence day with parades, princesses, marching drummers and folk dancers. Schools take several days in the weeks preceding the celebration, to teach students the dance steps, drum beats, and marching rhythms. Some children will present themselves, outfitted from recycled items or donning the traditional folk clothing. Children will spend hours making beautiful banners describing the products or, history or departments of Honduras. Though the parades are a little different from town to village to city, they will each reveal the enchanting beauty of Honduras and her people. So come out this 15th and enjoy a taste of history, dance and the festive spirit showcasing the best of Honduras and her people.