Although the Coronavirus pandemic has radically altered how we live and travel, flights to and from Roatan, Honduras have now resumed. That said, there are a host of new procedures that govern traveling to Roatan: Covid-19 regulations and requirements. It’s important to understand that these rules can and will change on a regular basis, so if you’re planning to travel to and from Roatan, you should inform yourself with the most recent government guidelines. However, as of mid-October 2020, these are the rules that travelers are asked to abide by.
Have A Passport That’s Valid For At Least Six Months After Departure

This is a general rule that was in place in many countries even before the pandemic was identified. It basically means that your passport’s expiry date must extend for at least six months past your departure date from Honduras. If your passport is set to expire within six months of leaving Honduras, you should get a new passport before traveling. Failure to do so may cause you to be denied access to your flight or to the country itself. It’s important to make sure all your documents are in order prior to traveling. Make sure to check your passport expiry date before you book Roatan accommodations or flights.
Fill Out, Print And Present A Prechequeo (Precheck) Form
All travelers who arrive in Honduras on an international flight must pre-register online with Honduran Immigration using the Prechequeo form. This form can only be filled out 48 hours prior to arrival in Honduras, although you can and should create an account beforehand in case of any delays. The completed Prechqueo will also need to be printed off and presented upon your arrival at Honduran Immigration. You will need to create an online account using your email address and choosing a password. You’ll receive an emailed link that will confirm your account and allow you to log into the site for pre-registration. It may take some time for this registration link to arrive, so do this well in advance. The Prechequeo will ask for information including the country of your departure, your destination, passport information, flight information, travel partners and the Honduran address where you’ll be staying. You’ll also need to fill in an affidavit called Declaración Jurada Honduras which is not required to be printed off. However, it’s a good idea to print off a copy and bring it along with you anyway.
Provide Proof Of A Negative Covid-19 Test
It is incumbent on you, the traveler, to receive a negative result following a Covid-19 PCR (polymerase chain reaction) or antigen test that was taken within 72 hours of arriving in Honduras. Bring proof of the negative result with you and be prepared to present it upon your arrival. It is essential that the test is within the 72 hour window, as passengers have been denied boarding by their airline, even when tests were just a few hours over the limit.
Declare That You Have No Covid-19 Symptoms
Upon arrival you will be asked if you have any symptoms of Covid-19 such as a high temperature, a new and continuous cough or a change in sense of smell or taste. Answering in the positive may cause you to be denied entry into the country.